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Redesigned, reorganized
and refreshed for your success

Realtors Property Resource® delivers on-the-go access to an all-encompassing real estate platform, available exclusively to REALTORS®, and offered at no additional cost. Easily accessed through desktop, iOS, and Android devices.

New Learning Resources to Help you Learn the new RPR

You may have noticed that things look, well, a little different around these parts. Along with launching a completely revamped RPR website, we’ve also published a new RPR blog, Learning Center and Knowledge Base. And much like the RPR website, these new learning resources are cleaner, simpler, and easier to navigate.

These new learning resources can help you train, learn and get up to speed in no time.

Craft Commercial Content in Seconds With RPR’s ScriptWriter Tool

The Magic of RPR Commercial: Search, Site Selection and Prospecting

Jumpstart Your Business with RPR

Serving Clients with Targeted Property and Market Research

Transform Your Listing Presentations

Pricing With Precision: Create Data-Driven CMAs with RPR

RPR’s Advanced Valuation and CMA Tools

Track the Market with RPR Market Trends
From Tech to Text! The AI-Powered RPR Market Trends ScriptWriter
Become a Prospecting Powerhouse! Use RPR to Find Your Next Client
Deliver Data Without Delay: Serving Buyers with RPR Mobile™
On the Go? Stay on Track With Sellers Using RPR Mobile™
The Magic of RPR Commercial: Search, Site Selection and Prospecting
Where to access learning resources in RPR

You can access many of the learning resources from the main navigation bar at the top of RPR blog page. Look for “Learning” and “Knowledge Base” (they’re in between “Industry Segments” and “Visit RPR” in the upper right.)

You can also search for answers on the RPR website page by clicking “Help”, which will open a menu where you can search for answers on a topic, and there are also direct links to the blog page resources.

Here’s a quick breakdown of what we offer and where to find it:

Learning Resources: Live Webinars

Want to sign up for a live class to strengthen your knowledge of RPR? Our expert Training Team is ready to help walk you through every detail of the new “refreshed” RPR.

Future classes on specific topics such as mastering the RPR Maps, creating a CMA or prospecting for leads can be found on the Learning page. Simply look for a topic that interests you, and make sure it has an orange “Webinar” label. Clicking on it will reveal a brief description of the class and how you can sign up for any upcoming dates.

Quick video tutorials: Basics & Beyond

Is an at your-own-pace, video tutorial more your speed? Our New User Video Series “Basics & Beyond” let’s you either pick and choose the topics you want to brush up on, or you can run through the entire series in order. The videos are between 5-10 minutes long, so either way, you’ll have plenty of time to put your new knowledge to task.

The Residential series includes 14 videos; while Commercial offers 13. (Tip: the first five “Intro” videos are the same for both.)

Learning Resources: Printable Guides

Some folks like classes and videos, but they also like something they can hold in their hot little hands. RPR’s Printable Guides are just the ticket. Each is a laser-focused, step-by-step guide to a particular subject. They’re easy to follow and apply.

They also make great handouts at a training, or as something you can use to follow along or keep handy for reference. Look for downloadable versions in each of the Beyond The Basics videos.

RPR Knowledge Base

Have a question or need quick help? Want a rundown of all the new features on the RPR homepage or how each of the new navigation tabs work?

The Knowledge Base area of our blog is a deep and detailed learning resource for questions such as those, and a place to explore FAQs, popular articles, product release updates and more.

Blog page

You’re here! So you know exactly what our blog offers to RPR users. However, the “refreshed” RPR blog features an updated design and fresher ways to see articles, announcements and news you can use.

We welcome you to dive into all the educational and skill-building learning resources that RPR has to offer. And remember, RPR is a member benefit offered by the National Association of REALTORS®. You’ve already paid for it—you should be using it!

If you have questions or need any help, reach out to our Member Support team at 877-977-7576.

10 Things New Users Should Know About RPR Residential

We’re committed to helping REALTORS® like you do more, and do it in less time. Once you become familiar with RPR’s data, tools and reports, you’ll become a more efficient and more skilled real estate agent...

9 Things New Users Should Know About RPR Commercial

You can now search any property right from the RPR Homepage. Simply toggle from “Residential” to “Commercial” and all the search settings change accordingly.